Thursday, January 24, 2013

I'm learning about a new religion...

...for a book I'm planning to write. I don't know the title of it yet, but it's going to be about a Muslim girl. The hardest thing about this is because I'm Christian. Which means when I'm researching, I'm biting my tongue to keep myself from protesting that that what the Muslims believe, it's what they believe in, not me, and that I should respect their religion.

I mean, I do want to learn more about Islam, but it is sort of hard since I've been a Christian ever since I could remember. I really do like reading about the religion, and then I'd have loads to think over, and that's what makes it fun.

So, it would be so much easier just to say that the girl in my book was Jewish. Because, that religion is closer to mine that Islam is. But, I enjoy the challenge, and to be honest, I think that if I could set a good example of not trying to criticize a different religion other than my own, maybe the whole world could follow my example. Because, we do need respect for each other. As I said in one of my books, "Respect is one of the few things that uphold the world."

~Emily Z.


  1. What's the summary of the story?

  2. It's probably going to be about a Muslim girl from a country that's Islamic, and she moves to America, and she has to adjust to all the different beliefs and all that, I guess? >.< It's still forming in my head.

  3. Cool. So when are you going to have time to write it? I mean, with all the other stories...
    9 9

    Upside-down face.

  4. I just learned about Islam!
