Friday, January 11, 2013


Okay, I've been tagged. *taunts* But don't worry! I won't tag you unless you have a blog! So, Bean/Topaz tagged me, so let's have some fun! :D

So, rules and somewhat boring stuff.

1. If you are tagged, answer the questions in the meme in a blog post on your blog.
2. Make sure at the beginning of your post you put a link to the blog of the person who tagged you.
3. Tag at least three people to do the same thing (you can tag more than three people if you would like).
4. Have fun!

What do you think the weirdest color is? Dark brown. It's so close to black, that it actually tricks people into thinking that it is black! (it's also the colors of my eyes)
What is the weirdest TV show/movie you have ever seen? Hmm....I think I would say Pokemon, since it just keeps on continuing, and it's getting a bit boring, and Ash isn't ten years old anymore!
What is the weirdest food you have ever tried? Puto. It looks like this, and my mom makes it a lot, and it tastes awesome!
What is the weirdest drink you have ever tried? Diet Coke. It tastes so weird! It has that abnormal taste, but it doesn't have any of that soda fizzle.
Who is your weirdest friend? Oh! That is the hardest one of see, my brothers, their friends, and I have this youtube account called KrazyKompany, so you can see why it's so hard! I think it's Beaux (prounouced as BO)/Kirbyrai, and he's really crazy, but awesome!
What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen on the internet? NaNoWriMo
What is the weirdest thing your pet has ever done? Well, one time, my dog, Zeus, when he was a puppy, he once thought that another small, brown, dog was a squirrel, so he chased after it all over the neighborhood.
What is the weirdest book you have ever read? matters.....
What is the weirdest blog you follow? I only don't think I follow any! -_-

Oh...need to do the second part, now! *scramble off to find the three people she knows with blogs*

People I tagged:

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